Different kind of errors reading meters

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Different kind of errors reading meters

Post by diana26 »

I am using EKM push and meters, and when I see the data information in EKM API it appears some kind of errors. One is called PERR.NR and I know this code means "no response", but there are some other codes:

I want to know what is the description of each code.

I will be very greatful if you could answer my question!

Thanks! :)
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Re: Different kind of errors reading meters

Post by Jameson »

PERR.NR = No Response, this indicates that the meter tried to read the given meter number, but it never heard any response from the meter.

PERR.DAT - data format error, this indicates that the data is messed up somehow, so the Push rejected it. You might see this with a weak 485Bee connection. You should not see this very often at all if you have a hardwired connection from your Push to your meter.

PERR.RXP - serial parity error, also indicates messed up data. You would also see this with a weak 485Bee connection. You should not see this very often at all if you have a hardwired connection from your Push to your meter.

PERR.RXO - serial overrun error, also indicates messed up data. You would also see this with a weak 485Bee connection. You should not see this very often at all if you have a hardwired connection from your Push to your meter.
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