what do I need?

General questions and discussions focused around the EKM Metering System. Discuss your meters, installations, and meter communications here.
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what do I need?

Post by cashperkins »

From my main meter, I have a 100A sub-panel with .32" stranded wire for a workshop. I want to be able to monitor electric consumption for that.
In the same main meter, there is a 40A breaker for the pool equipment. I want to be able to monitor electric consumption for that as well. I would like to be able to do this remotely. The subpanel is the 3 wire type black/red/white and the pool 40A dual breaker for 220 as well.

Please let me know. Thanks in advance.
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Re: what do I need?

Post by Jameson »

It sounds like you have a very standard 120/240 volt 3-wire system.

In this case you would want:

1 x EKM Omnimeter $160 to $275 (either v.3 or v.4 would work depending on your needs)
2 x CTs $15 or $40 each
1 x Enclosure Kit $40 ( optional, either indoor or outdoor depending on your needs)
1 x EKM Push $100
1 x USB converter $25 (because these are always good to have)

Here is a visual representation of what the meter and CTs will look like installed: http://www.ekmmetering.com/information/ ... ml#answer6

Assuming when you say 0.32" wire, you are talking about the outside diameter including the insulation, our 13mm (0.51") 200 amp CTs will work well for you. You can choose to either use our Solid Core CTs (cheaper, but require you to disconnect your wire, slip the CT over the wire, and then reconnect the wire.) or Split Core CTs (more money, but easier to instal by clipping them over the wire)

Here is the 120/240 volt 3-wire metering package page if you would like help determining everything you may need: http://www.ekmmetering.com/120-240v-package.html

Please let us know if you have any questions.

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Re: what do I need?

Post by cashperkins »

Thanks... very helpful. This looks like it would monitor the sub-panel but not the pool equip. Am I correct about that or missing something. Wouldn't I need something else for that?
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Re: what do I need?

Post by Jameson »

You can actually combine the phases that lead to the workshop and to the pool pump if you want 1 kWh value for both.

As long as you pass 2 wires from the same phase, through the same CT (make sure all the wires will fit), in the same direction, the current in these wires will be added together.

Another option is to use 2 CTs on each phase (4 all together), one on the Phase A going to the workshop, and one on Phase A going to the pool pump. One on the Phase B going to the workshop, and one on Phase B going to the pool pump.

Let me know if this does not make sense.
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Re: what do I need?

Post by cashperkins »

Thanks again... Just one clarification...if I went with option B (4 CTs) would I be able to get separate kWh values for the workshop and pool? My primary objectives are:
Be able to know how much of my power costs goes into workshop
Be able to know how much is used by the pool
I need separate values for each
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Re: what do I need?

Post by Jameson »

Sorry I thought you wanted to combine the 2 loads into one kWh value.

In order to get 2 separate kWh values from 2 separate 120/240 volt 3-wire loads, you would need 2 separate kWh meters with 2 CTs each.
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Re: what do I need?

Post by Nevland »

:idea: If you want to monitor them simultaneously you would need what jameson has suggested. However if you can get by with monitoring them sequentially you could just move the current transformers. Split ones would be easier to move.
Or get a second set of solid core and a 4pole double throw switch and switch between them. In order to keep the system safe i would consider a 100 ohm resistor across each unit. May also need a switch to turn the unit off while switching.

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Re: what do I need?

Post by springnet »

We are very unhappy with EKM. After six months, two EKM meters we sent for repair were returned unrepaired and EKM made no attempt to fix them. They said they were water damaged even though we put them in the so called "waterproof" enclosures we bought from them. If you want a good deal on a meter that is not so sensitive to water damage go to http://texasmeter.com and get some fully waterproof meters that are a fraction of the price. They'll never break down and you'll spend at 25% of what it costs to get a fragile EKM meter that the company refuses to repair.
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