I have a broken Push3 that I would like to repair. Is a schematic diagram available?
Once it is fixed, how do I commission it to new Omnimeter V.4 addresses, and remove an old address?
Push3 repair
Re: Push3 repair
Hello, sorry no we do not provide schematics of our Push3 gateway. Can you tell us which part is broken? If there is obvious damage, can you post a pic of it here?
Here is an article about how to either change the meter to Push assignments yourself, or how to request that we make these changes in the backend for you: https://help.ekmmetering.com/support/so ... ssignments
Here is an article about how to either change the meter to Push assignments yourself, or how to request that we make these changes in the backend for you: https://help.ekmmetering.com/support/so ... ssignments