Wondering if it is possible to set up EKM Dash to send report emails to multiple addresses at a time?
When I go into the Event Manager in EKM Dash, and create a report and enter multiple e-mail addresses separated by ';' and then run the report, I get an error message "SMTP Error: <br /><b>Fatal error</b>: Uncaught exception"
For my email settings I enabled DashMail; From address info@ekmmetering.com; Port 25; no encryption.
Multiple email report recipients?
Re: Multiple email report recipients?
Hello Owen,
I would just make 2 separate reports to send to 2 separate email addresses. I don't think Dash or the SMTP engine we use to send the email supports comma separated email addresses.
I would just make 2 separate reports to send to 2 separate email addresses. I don't think Dash or the SMTP engine we use to send the email supports comma separated email addresses.