Can I open EKM Dash while it is running in the background?

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Can I open EKM Dash while it is running in the background?

Post by Coronos »


I am wondering if there is a way to open EKM Dash when it is already running in the background. Currently, if I try to open Dash to view records, it tells me that it can't run two instances at the same time, so I have to open Task Manager and shut down the instance running in the background first. Is there a better way to do this? Can I open the background instance?

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Re: Can I open EKM Dash while it is running in the background?

Post by Jameson »

Hello Coronos,

Im not 100% sure what you are referring to. What operating system are you running?

If you are saying that your Dash keeps running in the background, then maybe this is because it is trying to optimize your database in the background. If this is taking too long you can try managing your database and cutting down the size of your DB so that the optimization process is quicker: ... h-database

If this is not what you are meaning, will you try to explain it a different way? Why do you want to run your Dash in the background and have a different instance running in the foreground?

Will you let me know if I answered your question?
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Re: Can I open EKM Dash while it is running in the background?

Post by Coronos »

Dash is running in the background to collect data from the meter, via the Blink. Dash starts automatically upon logging into Windows so as long as my computer is on, Dash can log the data. I normally don't need to see what is happening every time I start Windows, so I close the Dash window. It stays running in the background and continues logging data. If I want to review the log, I need to open Dash, but I don't see any way to do that without first stopping the background instance of Dash via the Task Manager.

If there was an EKM icon in the System Tray/Notification Center on the bottom right of the desktop, it would be easy to implement an option to restore the window, but I haven't seen any evidence of that.
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Re: Can I open EKM Dash while it is running in the background?

Post by Jameson »

Im sorry, I am not very savvy with Windows, perhaps someone here can chime in. Which version of windows are you running? It seems to be more of an OS issue rather than a Dash issue, but also the fix will probably have to do with which version of Windows you are running.
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Re: Can I open EKM Dash while it is running in the background?

Post by Coronos »

I am on Windows 10.

Nearly all programs that stay running in the background (eg. an antivirus app or an automatic back-up service like Dropbox) will place an icon in the notification area to access different options or open the main window. It probably wouldn't take much for the programmers to add that functionality, but if it's not in demand, it's probably not worth the trouble. It's not a big deal to continue shutting it down from the Task Manager so I can re-open it, I was just wondering if I had missed some other option in the software.
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