EKM Dash and EKM Reader

Things we have found to be useful when installing or using our metering systems.
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EKM Dash and EKM Reader

Post by andynbradshaw »

Is there a link anywhere? The only epower software I can find on the web is an offering from Acer on time management systems
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Re: EKM Dash and EKM Reader

Post by davidkent »

The EKM dash, I call it the mystery box again has little documentation, I have problems trying to get it to connect to the meter, again I work in rural locations trying to read meter on irrigation pumps and solar cells remotely it not been and easy process due to lack of good documentation. good luck
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Re: EKM Dash and EKM Reader

Post by Jameson »

I think you must be referring to the EKM Push internet gateway. The EKM Dash is software that runs on your computer.

Do you have the email we sent you when you purchased the EKM Push? This email contains your meter numbers, Push MAC addresses, and EKM Push account key. If you only have the EKM Push key that is really all you need to be able to access your meter data in a variety of ways: http://www.ekmmetering.com/solutions/push-apps.html

There is more documentation about the EKM Push here: http://www.ekmmetering.com/meter-data
More about how to setup the EKM Dash here: http://www.ekmmetering.com/meter-software

If you are still having trouble, please let us know your meter number so that we can lookup your EKM Push data to see what is going on.

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