New EKM Installer Directory

Things we have found to be useful when installing or using our metering systems.
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New EKM Installer Directory

Post by Jameson »

For Customers: We are constantly trying to make our products better, and one of the ways we do this is to make them easier to understand and install. For some this means easily finding someone local to handle the installation. With that in mind we created our new Installer Directory, where you can find installers, in your area, who have signed up to participate because they are familiar with EKM's Products and can install them for you. Please note that EKM is not affiliated with any of the installers in the directory. As such, EKM can not take responsibility for the quality of their work. The Directory is available here:

For Installers: We also created the Installer Directory for you, so that our customers can find your services easier. The more of our customers that find you the better it is for both us and you. If you are a professional installer, have experience with our products, and would like to participate, please take a moment to add your business to the Directory by filling out our online form. It’s free and will only take a few minutes. We’ll then review your info and add it to the map as soon as we can. The sign up form is here:

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