Omnimeter Settings Tool

Things we have found to be useful when installing or using our metering systems.
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Omnimeter Settings Tool

Post by Jameson »

For making bulk changes to a bunch of meters.

Lets say you just bought 50 Omnimeters and you want to set each one from 200 amp CT Ratio to 800 amp CT Ratio. The EKM Dash is not well suited to this (you can do it, it just takes a while)

Here is a tool that lets you do this quickly and easily: ...

Using a USB converter (or iSerial) you can connect 1 meter at a time, discover meter number, then make your meter setting. You can also make settings in the daisy chain, but in this configuration you cannot discover the meter number.

With this tool, you can set meter times, pulse input ratios, warm reset (newer v4 meters only), reset Max Demand, etc.

Connect Omnimeter to power and RS485
Click Get Meter Number
Tool will make a sound indicating success.
Click Set CT Ratio
Tool will make a sound indicating success.

Takes about 3 seconds.
Screenshot 2015-11-30 08.37.31.png
Screenshot 2015-11-30 08.37.31.png (76.65 KiB) Viewed 55902 times
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Re: Omnimeter Settings Tool

Post by Abdallo »

What an awesome tool. I had no idea something like this existed. Thanks for sharing Jameson.
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