I'm seeing a different issue between the Comparison Chart widget and the report. On the widget, the graphs appear to match the data, but the report shows a very different set of charts. See below.
This chart is from a report that covers 12/1/19-12/31/19 vs 1/1/20-1/31/20.

- report.png (16.7 KiB) Viewed 51640 times
Here is the widget that covers the same time period for the same meter.

- widget.png (17.8 KiB) Viewed 51640 times
It looks kinda similar for January, but December isn't even close. Maybe the first day of December is different because of the timezone, but I think there's a lot more going on, which should be obvious based on the other differences. The report colors also don't match the legend, but the widget appears to be correct.
My experience has been that the widgets are typically more correct than the reports. The data I get from reports is untrustworthy and I am starting to not use that feature as a result. Not being able to pick a timezone has caused some issues as well with my tenants since they have access to the physical meters and they've accused me of making rounding errors in my favor. Once I went through the hassle downloading the data directly and showing it to them, they calmed down, but it's still a problem that could have been avoided.
The reports also take a long time to send. One of my tenants needs the report on the first day of the month, but the automatically generated report doesn't show up until the second day of the month, so I have to manually generate it. There's no setting for the day the report is generated.