EKM Meter Widget vs Encompass.io Total Kwh discrepancy

This discussion is intended to be about the new web application for EKM Push users at http://www.encompass.io that has been beta released. Use this discussion to talk about your experiences with Encompass, including what works, what doesn't, and what could be added or improved.
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EKM Meter Widget vs Encompass.io Total Kwh discrepancy

Post by wilsonch »

Purchased two OmniMeter I v.3 and a EKM Push. Why is there such a big discrepancy on the total Kwh between all the apps? :?:

==EKM Metering Widget==
66.6 kWh [Meter 1]
36.9 kWh [Meter 2]

43.3 kWh [Meter 1]
30.3 kWh [Meter 2]

==EKM Dash - Month==
59.4 Total kWh [Meter 1]
36.8 Total kWh [Meter 2]
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Re: EKM Meter Widget vs Encompass.io Total Kwh discrepancy

Post by Jameson »

Hello Wilsonch,

What time period are you looking at? Is this for hours, days, weeks, months?

By and large I would trust the EKM Widget kWh and not how encompass interprets kWh (still a work in progress). They are using different versions of our summary API and the widget uses the better version.

As for the EKM Dash, I would think it would be accurate to the widget, I would have to see if you are looking at the same data set. It looks like Meter 2 is close, but meter 1 is off, can you describe if you are looking at the same period of time? For example if you use the widget to look at "days" for a month, you will be looking at the last 30 days, but if you use the Dash to look at months. You will be looking at data from each full month.

Any screenshots or additional information (including meter numbers) will be helpful.

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Re: EKM Meter Widget vs Encompass.io Total Kwh discrepancy

Post by wilsonch »

Just sent a detail email to info with meter numbers and screenshots.

EKM Widget is sorted by History|Month. For Meter #1 it shows Sept & Oct in the month view but when I look at Meter #2 it only shows Oct in the same view. This makes it hard to compute monthly usage if the widget is broken. :?: :?: :?: :(

==Meter#1 18xxx==
158.9kWh [EKM Widget]
158.9kWh [EKM Dash]
137.7kWh [Encompass.io]

==Meter#2 18xxx==
N/A [EKM Widget]
66.4kWh [EKM Dash]
61.9kWh [Encompass.io]
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Re: EKM Meter Widget vs Encompass.io Total Kwh discrepancy

Post by Jameson »

Hello Wilsonch,

Again, I would not trust how encompass.io displays kWh over time.

So this looks OK to me:

==Meter#1 18xxx==
158.9kWh [EKM Widget]
158.9kWh [EKM Dash]
137.7kWh [Encompass.io]

For the meter below, I took a look at the data you emailed us, and it looks like the data starts on September 13, 2015. The widget you sent is only showing the month of October. We will look at why your widget is not showing the partial month of September. The data is in the summary API, it is just not being displayed. Fill in your details to see it here:

http://summary.ekmpush.com/summary?mete ... ormat=json

You can also set the widget to display days and look at the total kWh for the time period in the green bar.

The Dash will be accurate, but will only show data from September 13th (when this meter was connected to the Push System) until the end of the month. kWh per month going forward should be the full month, I think the data will make more sense going forward as you accumulate full months of data in your Push account.

==Meter#2 18xxx==
N/A [EKM Widget]
66.4kWh [EKM Dash]
61.9kWh [Encompass.io]
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Re: EKM Meter Widget vs Encompass.io Total Kwh discrepancy

Post by wilsonch »

[quote="Jameson"The data is in the summary API, it is just not being displayed. Fill in your details to see it here:

http://summary.ekmpush.com/summary?mete ... ormat=json

You can also set the widget to display days and look at the total kWh for the time period in the green bar.

Thanks I tested the summary URL above and I do the the correct data matching the DASH software. I guess there is a bug in the EKM widget. Is there any way to just call up last month's graph?
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Re: EKM Meter Widget vs Encompass.io Total Kwh discrepancy

Post by Jameson »

I think the best would be to call Days.

Here is the sample widget that shows this:

http://widget.ekmmetering.com/EKM2/?rea ... _reads=500

I changed reads from 30 to 32 so that you would get the entire last month. You would just have to subtract the kWH from October 1st and October 2nd for now.

In this screenshot of the sampel widget you can see that from September 1st to Oct 2nd the Total kWh was 1,591.8 kWh (in the large green bar). I would just subtract 43.4 to get my total for the month of September in this case.
Screenshot 2015-10-02 12.34.09.png
Screenshot 2015-10-02 12.34.09.png (53.8 KiB) Viewed 70594 times
We will let you know when we get your widget working as it should. It has something to do with how a new meter displays its first partial month.

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Re: EKM Meter Widget vs Encompass.io Total Kwh discrepancy

Post by Jameson »

Hello Winsonch,

Please try your widget again that shows months (we fixed it). With your data set it should now show a partial month of September (because your meter was connected September 13th), and the month to date of October.

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Re: EKM Meter Widget vs Encompass.io Total Kwh discrepancy

Post by wilsonch »

Its fixed! You guys are awesome! :mrgreen:
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Re: EKM Meter Widget vs Encompass.io Total Kwh discrepancy

Post by Jameson »

It does not look like your meters internal clock is properly set. I would first set your meter clock to be as close as possible to your computer date.

Here is how you can set your meter time: https://help.ekmmetering.com/support/so ... -date-time

Let me know if I am mis-interpreting what you are saying.
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