Hello Wilsonch,
Again, I would not trust how encompass.io displays kWh over time.
So this looks OK to me:
==Meter#1 18xxx==
158.9kWh [EKM Widget]
158.9kWh [EKM Dash]
137.7kWh [Encompass.io]
For the meter below, I took a look at the data you emailed us, and it looks like the data starts on September 13, 2015. The widget you sent is only showing the month of October. We will look at why your widget is not showing the partial month of September. The data is in the summary API, it is just not being displayed. Fill in your details to see it here:
http://summary.ekmpush.com/summary?mete ... ormat=json
You can also set the widget to display days and look at the total kWh for the time period in the green bar.
The Dash will be accurate, but will only show data from September 13th (when this meter was connected to the Push System) until the end of the month. kWh per month going forward should be the full month, I think the data will make more sense going forward as you accumulate full months of data in your Push account.
==Meter#2 18xxx==
N/A [EKM Widget]
66.4kWh [EKM Dash]
61.9kWh [Encompass.io]