Update to encompass.io

This discussion is intended to be about the new web application for EKM Push users at http://www.encompass.io that has been beta released. Use this discussion to talk about your experiences with Encompass, including what works, what doesn't, and what could be added or improved.
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Update to encompass.io

Post by Jameson »

We have released an update to encompass.io. It is still in beta (testing only), but it is much improved in our view.

1. The backend is more stable and uses better summary datasets for Calendar, Comparison Chart, and Info widget.
2. The Real-time chart has actually been temporarily downgraded to only be able to show 100 reads. This is due to the fact that when you would set it to 1000 reads it would make all of the other widgets on a page act slow and be less responsive. We will work on this and try to raise the limit in the next release.
3. Reports are much improved, but can also use some more work.
4. Caching of resources has helped speed things up when you make a second call.
5. The color scheme of the Calendar widget has changed
6. Various other bug fixes and stability improvements

Please let us know how you like the new version. Though we know the downgrade to 100 reads in the real-time widget is not ideal, we feel the rest of the improvements make up for it ;)
If you would still like to see 1000 reads we recommend you utilize your EKM Widget for now.

Anyway, send feedback, comments, suggestions etc. We are all ears!

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Re: Update to encompass.io

Post by Kailua »

It looks like Encompass is now reading v.4 two decimal place KWh readings correctly. That's a big fix.

When I request a pdf from Encompass, I get a response on the webpage that the pdf has been sent, but I don't receive it. Hopefully this will be resolved soon, so we can start using the pdfs for billing.
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