PLS. HELP ON Automatic meter reading for transformers.

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PLS. HELP ON Automatic meter reading for transformers.

Post by Masud_RF »

Dear Expert,

I am totally new in this technology of automatic meter reading, such types of works never happened in our country.Due to lack of knowledge, i am failing to fond out appropriate products & solution for my project.

We got an order to install 300 pieces of 3 phase energy meter with inbuilt 2g/ 3g mdem at the secondary of distribution transformers in an specific service zone of power distribution company. The meters will send its kwhr data to sever measured at transformer's secondary, this value will be equal to the summation of kwhr (meter reading )data of those consumers took power connection from the transformer.


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Re: PLS. HELP ON Automatic meter reading for transformers.

Post by Jameson »

Hello Masud,

It sounds like you are trying to meter pole top transformers to see how much electricity is being used by all of the users of the transformer. We have customers who do this that are looking to either monitor the output of the transformer (to see if it is being stressed), or are looking to find cases of power theft (all of the customer utility meters do not add up to what the pole top transformer meter is measuring)

For systems like this I would recommend our Omnimeter I v.3 coupled with our EKM Push system. You would then connect each EKM Push to a 3rd party cellular to ethernet modem. You can have 1 to 50 Omnimeters per EKM Push. With these systems in place, you would be gathering data from all 500 meters at once per minute intervals into your EKM Push cloud account. You would then have free and open access to this data forever. You can either use 500 EKM Pushes to accomplish this or just 10.

If you want to connect multiple meters to a single EKM Push and are not able to hardwire them to the EKM Push, you can consider using our 485Bee radios to form a wireless mesh network. This mesh network would then connect your meters to the EKM Push gateway.

Let us know if you have any questions.
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Re: PLS. HELP ON Automatic meter reading for transformers.

Post by Masud_RF »

Dear Jameson,

Thank you very much for your kind reply.

This project is very very important for my career and I'm in huge mental pressure whether i would be able to complete the pilot project successfully in a cost effective way, Because ,

I heard, in most of the cases people failed to implement the AMR system by the solutions of Chinese suppliers, Their products & software's don't work properly and comes with lots of bugs. I contact with several Chinese suppliers and found that, they are always interested to sell their products instead of understanding my actual requirement. And most of them are proposing me very expensive & complex solutions with lots of hardware's and software's involvement, which actually impossible for me to use in my pilot project as its not a business case yet. Upon satisfaction on the result of pilot project, the distribution company will call tender for their entire region.

Dear Jameson, My earnest request to you, PLEASE READ THIS MAIL IN YOUR FREE TIME As you might be busy with lots of important works and
Please help me to implement my project successfully by giving your valuable suggestion, information & instructions. I would be ever grateful to you. Few queries are:

1) Is it possible to build up a stable & perfectly working AMR network for 312 meters by using -
3 Phase energy meter with inbuilt 2g/3g modem at the field and a high configuration desktop pc will be used as the remote server with a simple software which will be installed in the remote desktop PC for online monitoring & data collection. No Use of any extra server machine/ can use a cheap server which could be managed by 3000 to 4000 USD.

2) A Chinese supplier (Ubridge) offered me their 3 phase energy meter by 55 USD + 3 CT's need to purchase separately . As their meters have no 2g/3g, they suggest me to use wifi to 3g converter for the places where wifi not available. The company will provide mobile phone apps for online monitoring as they don't have any PC software. My query is -

Do you think, their solution will work properly for my project ? and
Is it possible to make a PC software by the help of their mobile apps ?

*Since their system includes only the meter and a mobile phone handset with apps for online monitoring & data collection, Why do i need to use expensive & high configuration server machine instead of using a desktop to implement my project for 312 meters. Because, the Chinese suppliers telling me expensive server is mandatory for online remote monitoring of meters.

3) If you know any cost effective supplier who can provide a reliable solution for my project, please give me their contact details.


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Location: Santa Cruz, CA

Re: PLS. HELP ON Automatic meter reading for transformers.

Post by Jameson »

1) Is it possible to build up a stable & perfectly working AMR network for 312 meters
Yes I would still recommend our Omnimeter coupled with the EKM Push system and cellular data modems. I would get a system or two to test.

This is an infinitely scalable system. It would be the same to manage 1 or 2 meters as it would be for thousands of meters. With these systems in place you can literally have thousands of meters in your EKM Push cloud account. All meters would be read once per minute, and all data would be made available to you in your EKM Push account for free.

I cannot help you with the rest of your questions.
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