Temperature limitations

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Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 6:40 am

Temperature limitations


Looking to meter domestic hot water; temperature should not normally exceed 120 deg.F. While there is the HOT version of the horizontal meter, I don't see a HOT version of the vertical meter, which would be necessary in this installation. The standard vertical meter shows a maximum temperature of 122 deg.F.

I am wondering if there is some buffer space to the 122 deg.F specification that would allow it to perform consistently under all conditions in a domestic hot water system.

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Joined: Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:42 pm
Location: Santa Cruz, CA

Re: Temperature limitations

Post by Jameson »

I probably would not risk it to be honest. I would either find an appropriate 3rd party vertical hot water meter model (preferably with a pulse output), or I would use one of our horizontal hot water meters and just plumb it so that the water meter is installed horizontally and the pipes are plumbed to accomodate.

If you have a vertical pipe you want to meter with a horizontal meter you can:

Install a 90 deg elbow from vertical to horizontal.
Run a straight pipe to the input of the water meter.
Exit the water meter with a straight pipe
Install 2 more 90 deg elbows (use a bunch of 45s if you don't want to restrict the flow)
Install a long straight pipe.
Install a 90 deg elbow from horizontal to vertical

Pipe Lengths Rule of Thumb:
Must have at least 10 pipe diameters in pipe length before the water meter and at least 5 pipe diameters in pipe length after the water meter. For example if you have 1.5 inch pipe and water meter you would want 15 inches of straight pipe before your water meter and 7.5 inches of straight pipe after your water meter. This is to achieve maximum accuracy. If the straight pipe length before and after the meter is less than this, the water meter will still be highly accurate, just not as accurate if you follow the above rule of thumb.

3/4” water meter:
Straight pipe must be: 7.5” before meter and 3.75” after meter
1” water meter:
Straight pipe must be: 10” before meter and 5” after meter
1.5” water meter EKM-SPWM-150:
Straight pipe must be: 15” before meter and 7.5” after meter
2” water meter:
Recommended 20" straight pipe before water meter and 10" after.
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