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how to use the 485bee

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 3:26 am
by nacero
We recently purchased a group omnimeters, iserials, and 485bees.
Before installing the whole system, we performed the following test.
We connected an omnimeter to an iserial with twisted pair of wires.
The software didn't have any problem retrieving data from the omnimeter.
Then, we put 2 485bees between the ominimeter and iserial.
The software was not able to read any data from the omnimeter.
Do we need to do any configuration on the 485bee before using it?.
We looked for a manual on your site and we were not able to find any.

Thank you in advance.

Re: how to use the 485bee

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 3:05 pm
by Jameson
Hello Nacer,

It sounds like you have the 485Bee connected up correctly. Good work making sure you could read your Omnimeter first before introducing the 485Bees to the system. Here is a link to the 485Bee for other users to see: ... twork.html

So assuming you have 12VDC to each 485Bee, your RS485 is connected to the terminal block of the 485Bee baseboard, and you have your XBee radio well and properly seated into the two 10 port sockets, you should be good to go.

What is the distance between the 485Bees? Is the RPSMA antenna securely connected to the XBee? There is no configuration needed to the 485Bee, it should be plug and play when used with an Omnimeter. Usually the issue is some wire is connected backwards.

Please post photos here or send us an email with photos of your installation. We will get you up and running.


Re: how to use the 485bee

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 2:06 am
by nacero
Hi Jameson,
Regarding the distance, we put the two 485bees very close to each other as you can see from the image.
We made sure that the antennas are well connected by unplugging then plugging them back.


Re: how to use the 485bee

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 5:35 pm
by Jameson
Hello nacero,

There seems to be an issue with the images you posted. Please try and repost them here or send them to us in email.
