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EKM Dash doesn't export data

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 1:12 pm
by lou-mac

We have 3 EKM-Omnimeters v3 installed on 3 Plastic Injection Machines. In past months we could retrieve data from them but 1 machine it's not exporting data at all right now. It will create the CSV file but it's empty. The data range we're trying to cover are from the beginning of July to the end of August of this year.

This is a screenshot of the data tab in the meter properties:


With this we know the data is on the meter, but the export tool it's not working. I'm using the EKM Dash latest release. Could you help us?

Re: EKM Dash doesn't export data

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 4:40 pm
by Jameson
Hello Lou-Mac,

Thank you for posting to the forum and thanks for the screenshot.

The screenshot you have posted is what we call "6 Months of once a month reads". These are kWh values that are stored internally in the meter itself. If your meter is installed for 6 months and you were to connect a computer at the end of the 6 months you would see all of this data. These data points come from the last day of the month at midnight. We dont have an export button for this kind of data yet (though I think we should).

If you want to export data for a period of time: volts on each line, amps on each line, power factor on each line, pulse counts (in the case of v4 meters), time stamps, meter numbers, TOU buckets, etc. You will have to run the EKM Dash to read your meters and gather all of this data into the EKM Dash database. You can then "Export" this data to a csv file and view it is a program like Excel. You can essentially then store as much as your computer can handle. csv files get a bit tedious over about 2000 records, but I have made files with 700,000 records using the EKM Dash.

One way to get around needing to run your EKM Dash (and your computer) all the time is to use the EKM Push system. We store the latest 1000 meter reads in your EKM Push account, so every so often you can use the EKM Dash to retrieve the latest 1000 reads from your account.

Hope this helps.

Re: EKM Dash doesn't export data

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 2:28 pm
by lou-mac
Hi Jameson,

We previously extracted data from the meter for larger ranges (2-3 months) and it wasn't connected to EKM Push. We're not trying to export the "6 months of once a month reads". We tested it with 2 different computers and with all 3 machines and it's not working. If the meters have been installed since 9 months ago where is the data stored?

Regards and thanks for your concern.

Re: EKM Dash doesn't export data

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:17 pm
by Jameson
The only real-time data that the meter provides is from the moment you read it. This is the normal read type. This includes various kWh values, volts on each line, amps on each line, power factor on each line, etc (everything shown in the EKM Dash main window). This kind of data is stored on your computer. Will you send us a screenshot of your EKM Dash main window?

The only long term data stored internally in the meter that that meter provides is the "6 Months of once a month reads". This only includes historical kWh values (like in the screenshot you sent us)
We're not trying to export the "6 months of once a month reads".
I thought this is what you are trying to do (because of the screenshot you sent). Please let us know more clearly what you are trying to do. Are you trying to log real-time meter reads to your computer?

Thanks for your help.